Filtering by Tag: Stu's Cheesecake

Something For Dad

June 20, 2003 was the day Stu died. And that, my friends, is the extent to which I refer to him in the past tense.

Every time I hear and see your joyous reaction to Stu’s Cheesecake, Dad must be told about it. It brings him much happiness.

Many of you never met him though you know his name. You have a sense of who he is. How many of you call me Stu?

I crack open some cream cheese. I think about Stu. I bake the cake thinking of Stu. Because of my uncanny ability to relate any life experience to a Stephen Sondheim song, “Or am I just being kind? Or am I losing my mind?”

He resides in my heart; always available to speak. I get that concept. However, an experience happens. With the cheesecake, there’s something tangible. With all of you, there is a shared, visceral joy.

It brings Dad back in a way I can’t dream imaginable. Honestly, who needs a channeler? I have a cheesecake.

For helping to bring him here, I thank you.

Do I miss him. Yes. Am I sometimes sad? Same answer. It doesn’t last long.  Stu's Cheesecake is something I do for me and him.

It’s impossible to be sad, looking at a cheesecake crack. Stare into it and you can see your future.


This is the cake I baked on June 20 in his honor.

This is the cake I baked on June 20 in his honor.

The two and only.  My mom and dad, Rae and Stu Mikelberg

The two and only.  My mom and dad, Rae and Stu Mikelberg

Three Ways To Stu's

If The Mary Tyler Moore Show were on the air today, we imagine Rhoda Morgenstern would say, "Mare, cottage cheese solves nothing. Stu's Cheesecake can do it all."

Stu's Cheesecake is more excellent than ever, original recipe, reduced sugar or sugar-free, plain (to be honest, there's nothing plain about Stu's) or marble.  Contact us for information and availability.

Rhoda might say, "This is the best diet ever, kid!"

Less (Sugar) Is More (Stu's).

"Oh honey, it's incredible" is just one of the accolades we heard when friends tried Stu's new reduced-sugar cheesecake.  We've removed about 80% of the sugar and kept all of the great taste and creaminess of Stu's Cheesecake.

And it's still "beautifully cracked", just like us.

It costs a little more, but just think of how many times your waistline will thank you.

We happily introduce Stu's "You'll DI over ET" Reduced Sugar Cheesecake, now available in original and marble flavors.


Welcome to Stu's

We bring you a blog about Stu's Cheesecake and who else is going to do that for you?

And if you want more, there is more, more family, more friends, more community and more of the things that bring us together. We'll have stories, contests, laughs, songs from Broadway musicals with parody lyrics (which we want you to sing and post online), TV show plots we'd love to see and at least one pitch for a reality show.  And yes, there will be cheesecake.

We want to hear from you.  Bringing us together is the reason we created Stu's Cheesecake.  At our table, everyone is welcome.

Welcome to Stu's News.